If your tooth has sustained more extensive damage our dentist may recommend a dental crown to restore it. Crowns work to restore the strength, function and appearance of your tooth, as well as providing protection against any further damage. To set up a consultation with Dr. Joe Medellin and learn more about dental crowns in Northridge, California, call OrthoGrace Dental at 818-280-5596.
Dental crowns, also known as caps, are versatile dental restorations that serve various purposes. One of their primary uses is to restore extensively damaged or decayed teeth. Designed to fit over the entire tooth, starting from the gumline, dental crowns effectively restore the tooth’s original shape and size. These crowns can be crafted from different materials, including gold, porcelain or porcelain fused to metal. Porcelain crowns are particularly popular because they closely resemble the natural color and appearance of your teeth. Our experienced dentist will guide you in determining the most suitable type of dental crown for your smile.
A dental crown can benefit your smile in several ways. If a tooth has sustained significant damage or decay beyond what a dental filling can restore, a crown provides an effective solution. Crowns are also utilized to protect teeth after root canal treatment, secure and connect dental bridges, complete dental implants, enhance the overall aesthetics of your smile, correct misshapen teeth, reinforce weak or fractured teeth, and provide support for large fillings when there is limited natural tooth structure remaining.
To determine whether a dental crown is the right treatment for your needs, we encourage you to reach out to us today. Our team is ready to assist you in achieving a healthy, beautiful smile with the help of modern dental crown technology.